Although we are still in June we are busy planning for the upcoming 2022/2023 season!
Squash Tigers as you would be aware, is a competition based program. This does not mean that we don't have fun and enjoy our squash, because we do. What it does mean is that our Squash Tiger players should be looking to compete in US Squash ranking tournaments, and approximately one event every six to eight weeks. In terms of training, our players are advised to train a minimum of 46 weeks a year and three times a week. Obviously this is a broad outline, but it helps give new parents a ballpark notion of what it takes to compete successfully in the sport.
One of the planks of the program historically and certainly moving forward will be what we lovingly call Rehearsal Tournaments. Rehearsal Tournaments are in-house events conducted at Squash Tigers on the first Saturday of every month commencing September 3 and extending right through until the following summer – a total of 10 event. The Rehearsal Tournament Circuit will attract entries from all across the United States at the top and also provide a great home for beginners to gain rehearsal before they step out into the US Squash ranking world. The premise is very simple one. Players will play a minimum of three and a maximum of four matches on a Saturday, commencing first thing and concluding early afternoon.
The event will not count towards rating or ranking, so players may be relaxed enough to develop their games in a friendly environment, yet serious enough so that they will be ready for the wider world when they get out there!
We will be keeping a Squash Tigers ranking list from one to 1,000,000 and our squash professionals, including Coach Jamie and the other coaches who are joining us during the summer will be participating.