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Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, each morning a somewhat younger Coach Frank would drive via a “corner shop” in Ballarat, Australia and buy the daily newspapers.  There was no internet, (shock, horror), so one watched the news on television or one read the print newspapers to find out the comings and goings in the world.  I used to buy two, sometimes three newspapers a day.  One local paper, one tabloid newspaper that had sports results, and one somewhat more “high brow”, which would have a little more political discussion, and a discussion of events of the day, rather than merely reporting them.  I recall, when something came as being interesting, or inspirational, I would cut it out.  As both a High School teacher and a coach at that time, I did quite a bit of cutting out, not just of things that appealed to my own sensibilities, but for my high school language arts class and coaching pupils.

A hundred years later, or something like that, I do the same thing, but differently.  I have my set series of websites that I check in on, perhaps not every day, but every now and again, to get news, information, research, inspiration and amusement.  In the squash world, I don’t look at much anymore.  I do look at the results of major events, but that mostly comes from social media, so I mostly look outside the sport for my inspiration.

Take home message

Cultivate a list of constructive influences on the web or on social media.  What makes you want to train, what makes you think more deeply about your daily decisions or makes you just simply happy?  In as much as we have a daily food diet, we also have a daily diet of information.  We are what we eat, we are also mentally what we expose ourselves to… so it’s worth searching for inspiration to make us better versions of ourselves.

p.s. and if you'd like suggestions - come chat to me at training and I'll give you some ideas!


Our final week of SUMMER CAMP and our final big planning week before GO TIME is upon us! I hope everyone had a fantastic summer and is all ready to achieve in the upcoming 2022/23 season!

Final reminders before the Fall Schedule kickoff next Saturday 3rd!

  1. Our Fall Schedule begins Saturday September 3 - Rehearsal tournament in the morning and normal squads in the afternoon!

  2. Enter the Rehearsal Tournament NOW! Your chance to learn, rehearse and excel - check it all out here

  3. We will have coaches at the Boston JCT and the option of Zoom coaching for the other September Silvers and Golds - strictly limited to SQUASH TIGERS MEMBERS - contact me to register your interest!

Last chance this week to sit down and discuss FALL PROGRAMMING.

Email me via this link and I can explain the nuances of the program and directly assist you with planning your child's tournaments and training!


“Unforced error” is a term used a million times a year in a million different clubs across the world.  From the perspective of our program, as with all things, we need to be clear… what does the term mean?  For many coaches the term unforced error means an egregious mistake… "a wow, good golly I’m trying not to say something inappropriate error."

However that’s not how we roll.

For intents and purposes we define an unforced error as being when a player voluntarily takes the ball short and hits the tin.  The key aspect is “short”, the more important part being “voluntarily”.  We are always looking to make sure that players are in control of the process.  We can’t control our opponent, we can’t control winning and losing, but we can control the process and what we do ourselves, hence our definition.  We might be outclassed, we might not win, but we can make very few unforced errors and finish a match with a sense of accomplishment and dignity…

See you at training…

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