A framework in this context is a a structured system that helps organize and interpret information or solve problems. It can help people think more critically, make better decisions, and approach complex problems with more confidence and clarity.
Our SQUASHTIGER top 3 are:
The 5 Trainables
Long Term Player Development
I would like to stress that there are variety of ways to conceptualize athletic development, and I abhor slavishly following any didactic imposition of paradigms. What I do appreciate in frameworks is that they give us an opportunity to share a common paradigm in order to assess and present future plans. To view the breakdown on our 5 Trainables, use this link.
As always, if the content provokes questions, please either drop me a note or arrange to meet up. I'm always happy to talk squash with SQUASHTIGER members or just highly motivated players and parents from anywhere. Additionally, keep an eye out for our breakdowns on Periodization and LTPD coming out soon.