Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day Long Weekend and found time for friends and family. Congratulations to those students who went through their graduation ceremonies and good luck to those approaching finals and end of year assessments - it's a busy but rewarding time of year. Below are the briefest links to keep you informed, as always please come back to me with questions and we can either deal with them via email or arrange time to sit down at the club.
Great tournament results on the Memorial Day Long weekend in DC, NY and NJ - catch up with the Tiger report
Normal memberships end May 31, camps begin June 1 - signups via our dedicated webpage
Our Parent Explainer Page is now up and running, a great resource for parents wanting to understand how to get their players to that next level of achievement
Our final Rehearsal Tournament is June 8 - last one, best one!
If you missed our boys and girls ranking reviews of the season check them out, much to be proud of for the program
Final call for in person coaching at the UVA Gold, we have logistics to organize :) - please respond if you would like a Squash Tigers coach outside your court for the event and that will determine how many coaches are in attendance
Summer just around the corner and the coaches are looking forward to camp, see everyone soon.
Paul and the team