Zoom Back to School Checklist Presentation next Wednesday August 28, 7pm.
With the season rapidly approaching I’ll take everyone through our Back to School Checklist and then I'll stay on line to answer any and all questions from families. Everyone is welcome, families considering the program, new families and our experienced parents… it’s always good to be clear.
The Zoom address is here and you can expect the presentation to last around 30 minutes.
Back to School Checklist:
Fall signup details are finalized, note the almost two free months on 9 month squad memberships
Dates available for Thanksgiving and Winter Camps
Rehearsal Tournament Dates are out - open to all, free to 9 month members and spread between the two clubs
Free to members, consider taking taking advantage of Coach Ebonie’s Mental Performance Consultations
Lesson packs are available - note that full season members have access to both clubs and both sets of coaches
JCT #1 is almost upon us - for planning purposes I would appreciate an early notification of coaching requests - more here
We will be attending all JCT’s, all Nationals and select Golds and Silvers to coach program members through - we will Zoom coach events with lower player participation
Be aware that we do have a fairly thorough social media presence, it’s all here regardless of what platform you follow and it’s not only fun, but quite informative!
If you can’t make the Zoom or have specific questions that may only apply to your family please let me know and we can arrange another time to speak.
Big things ahead.