Another great weekend finished in the Squash World, with our players performing with skill and effort and class in the Silver and Bronze Nationals. You can read the briefest of precis here and please check back to the blog for the full version as soon as the coaches drink enough coffee. Below you'll find some reminders to keep you up to date and as always, you may call me directly via (609) 906 4271 should you want to talk anything through.
Our normal schedule resumes Monday 27 at 4:00pm following our very successful Spring Break Camp - squads @ 4:00, 6:00 and 8:00 as always!
This Saturday, April 1 will see our next Rehearsal Tournament and you can enter online or by replying to this email - March was our biggest and best yet (you can read about it here), don't miss out on the matches and the fun!
I have put aside another series of appointments each day to go through Spring plans for those parents who would like to avail themselves of the opportunity. Reply to this email to book your 30 minute discussion and please be a little patient with me as I have a lot of families to talk with...
Finally, I'd like to finish with a brief "thank you" to our coaches! Jamie, Claire and Colin have worked tirelessly throughout March at the club and at the Gold, Silver and Bronze Nationals. It's a real privilege for me to have a team of not only expert coaches, but coaches who care about the kids, about the program and about the sport.
See you all at the club! Paul