I hope you're having a fantastic summer and finding time for family and friends. We're enjoying a warm summer and as I like to remind the kids, regardless of the weather conditions outside, it's always perfect squash weather in the club! Below you'll find some brief points - please reply to this email with questions or requests and I'll come back with solutions asap.
Quick hits:
Camp signups are still open and we have places available for most weeks, although some of August is becoming a little "squeezy" :)
Lessons, pre camp, post camp and during lunchtimes are available for those players who need a little more technical work
Our SQUASH TIGERS Philadelphia opening is imminent and you can follow the club's dedicated Instagram account - there will be full camps running throughout August
Zoom Coaching is available for next weekends RI Gold - request by replying to this email!
Summer is not only a great time to decompress, it's also an opportunity to move to that next level of achievement. Happily enough we're here to help with both of those goals for your kids!
See you all soon.
Paul and the team