What an awesome weekend we just had! In addition to some great training at the club we saw the Middle School Nationals being hotly contested in Philadelphia and enjoyed via the live stream. Well done to the 15+ Tigers who represented their schools, always an excellent thing to do! Additionally the MS Nationals featured an NSL Junior Exhibition, with top ranked Tiger stalwarts Colten and Reghan performing with distinction.
As always during the busy winter months our weekly check ins are divided between the “must knows” and the “may be of interests”! Please contact us with questions or requests and we’ll get back to you with solutions!
Must Knows
With Middle School Squash winding down, a reminder that we offer a FREE TRIAL to new players who may wish to experience a Squash Tiger Squad and push their squash to that next level of achievement.
It is the very last day to give your opinions on the program through Coach Claire’s Squash Tigers Survey - we would be grateful for two minutes of your time.
Coach Michael is currently in Ireland to contest their National Championship. Good luck to him in his quest for the title and a reminder to everyone that he will resume his normal lessons next Monday. We’ll be following Coaches matches online and wish him well - details via our Insta Story.
Tournament coaching is available for the Philadelphia Gold (limited due to the 3 venues) and the Texas JCT. Details are unchanged and you can contact Coach Claire directly with requests.
Of interest
The Groundhog said there’s another six weeks of winter… ouch!
We are providing access for adults to play at the club - ideal for parents who might want to enjoy the game their kids play or for anyone looking for a new interest - information via Coach Ebonie.
See you all at training!