It's go time for Summer Camps here at SQUASH TIGERS - kickoff on Monday morning!
We run camps every single week day of Summer with both full and half day options! As a home away from home, our camps offer a great mix of "serious fun," with kids developing friendships and enjoying camaraderie, all while working hard and moving their squash games to that next level.
In our Newsletter you'll find:
Reminder of our Remote Coaching offerings - giving you your own virtual coach!
Summer Lessons - why, how and when
Coming attractions for match play - exciting plans are afoot!
The ubiquitous reminder about our Social Media... where we're having far too much fun, keep in touch with all our news by following us on FACEBOOK!
Squash Tigers can be your child's home away from home this summer. On our courts you'll find a wide variety of players - beginners through to the top of the rankings and all age groups. Summer is that perfect time for your child to have some serious fun and make that next step up in the squash world!
Finally - look out for a special announcement next week, one of the biggest since Squash Tigers began!