Traditionally the first week of September is a busy one, with families settling back into a rhythm following summer. Please email me if I can make things easier and I'll be back to you the same day with solutions. No such thing as a silly question and I'm always more than pleased to talk about the who, what, where, when, why and how of the program!
It is not too late to join the program and all details and costs are available on our dedicated webpage.
Monthly members have until the end of September to upgrade to the 9 month discount membership, which essentially gives two months of free tuition and covers all your training needs between now and next June!
Our lesson prices have remained unchanged since opening, but will be slightly increasing this month. For those wishing to purchase 10 lesson packs at our existing prices this week is your last opportunity and please email me. Details may be found here.
We are offering Zoom Coaching for this coming weekends NY Gold. Our next in person event will be JCT #2 in Philly - please book early to enable me to plan accordingly.
Our first Rehearsal Tournament of the season is scheduled for September 30 - a reminder that entry to our Rehearsal Tournament series is free and complimentary with 9 month memberships.
Finally, as is my convention at the beginning of a new season, I have left time available to meet face to face. This offer applies to both members and non-members. I'm always happy to offer advice, talk about squash and the kids in general, so please email to schedule, and take me up on the offer if I can be of help.
See you at training.
Paul and the Team