With the season rapidly approaching, here's a new player FAQ guide regarding our weekly Schedule. If there's anything more you'd like clarified please look at our Squad Membership page or email us directly and we'll contact you to help plan your season.
How many Squads can we attend each week?
Players may attend SQUADS 7 days a week - although we strongly suggest that players have at least one day of rest per week.
Do I need to book?
Yes, you should book for Squad attendance to ensure that we can ensure the best experience for players. Upon enrollment, members may download and use the courtreserve app to book squads.
How do I do the booking?
Please refer to the FAQs for a quick tutorial of how to book squads for the simple guide, this includes how to withdraw if plans change!
Can I attend more than one squad per day?
Yes you can, although you should speak with one of our coaches before doing so. Squads are quite intense training and it's best to check in with coaches to ensure that your child's experience and fitness levels are sufficient to cope with the load.
What do SQUADs look like?
Weekday squads are 75 minutes in duration. Weekend squads are 90 minutes in duration.
SQUADS have four key components.
1. A thorough warm up and cool down/stretching segment - designed to mirror what needs to be performed during competition
2. Match play and/or modified games to prepare players for competitive pressures and rehearse a variety of game plans
3. A technical component, designed to first learn, then pressure test aspects of the four basic strokes in the game and variations of each
4. Physical training to both improve conditioning and performance as well as PREVENT injuries caused by weakness or imbalances