December is upon us and with it, some of the best parts of the squash season. Well done to all those of you who got on court during the Thanksgiving break, it was great to see all our usual players and special to catch up with some of our "extended family" who are away at boarding schools and suchlike. Congratulations also to our tournament winners last weekend, with Parth coming out victorious in the Groton Gold and Kayla in the Maryland Silver. Busy times ahead and a few points to consider below, including Winter Camp and the US Open. As always you can pick up the phone and talk to me via (609) 906 4271 or say hello when you're next in the club.
4 Things to know:
We will have coaches on the ground at the US Junior Open - expect more information when the venue assignments are released - a reminder of our usual Tournament Coaching details here, which remain the same all season.
Winter Camp details have been released. Free to members, but we'll also allow drop in players in keeping with the Festive Spirit!
We will be offering LIMITED Zoom coaching for this weekend's Chicago Gold - full details here
Last chance to enter our December 3 Rehearsal Event - which is going to be our best yet - enter HERE to guarantee your child's place in the draw
Never a better time to be a Squash Tiger - see you all at the club soon! Paul and the team